Friday 19 March 2010


INCOMING NEWS FLASH: Tim Burton's newly announced project will be a 3D stop motion remake of...... 'The Addams Family!'

According to Total Film: "don’t expect this to be an animated sequel to Barry Sonnenfeld’s live-action Addams Family flicks. Though we’d love it if Christina Ricci, Angelica Huston and Christopher Lloyd reprised their roles for the voice work.

It’s an about turn back into the gothic realms that Burton is most comfortable in after the director made this year's more kid-friendly Alice In Wonderland.

Not sure that the Addams bunch pose much of a challenge, but it’s at least something more in line with the Burton that we know and love than things like Alice and Charlie And The Chocolate Factory..."

In my opinion this sounds a bit beneath his talents (not that he has made a truly awesome film in god knows how many years).

As far as I was aware Burton's next film was going to be 'Maleficent', a remake of Sleeping Beauty told from the evil queen's point of view, which sounds good in theory but will probably turn out the same way as Alice in Wonderland, visually stunning but NO PLOT WHATSOEVER.

Why the need for all the remakes??? I mean come on...Maleficent, The Addams Family, Alice in Wonderland, Sweeney Todd, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Planet of the Apes.....all been done before, a couple of them more than once.

The man clearly needs to take a time-out, rethink whether all this 3D nonsense is really worth it and write some new stories...bring back the days of Edward Scissorhands, Beetlejuice and Batman Returns!


  1. have you seen Vincent or Frankenweenie?
    very short films not released on big screen
    burton is hopefully to remake and bring them out Frankenweenie was mad in the 80s i f your love burton you'll like these a bit quirky but that makes it for me lol

  2. Sorry only noticed your comment now! Not seen them but I knew Burton is making Frankenweenie..will have to check out the original then :)



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