Monday 19 December 2011

5 Actors Who Made Men Hit the Gym...Part 3

3. Tom Hardy

Tom Hardy...WTF? I hear you all saying, but you know it’s true. He graced us with the sight of his penis and solitary confinement honed muscles in Bronson a few years back and since then he’s made us wonder about the need for vertebrae in the neck when you can have grid iron holding your head up instead. 

Now, fantastic moustaches and rippling cock muscles aside (you heard me...rippling), the moment he truly destroyed our sense of manliness was in his latest buff outing, ‘Warrior (2011)’. Here we have a man playing the role of a reincarnated undefeatable warrior. He summons forth the power of Thor or something and destroys Tanks for kicks (I wasn’t paying much attention to things that weren’t violence).

Did anyone else cringe when the commentators said?
“He ripped the door off a Tank”
“Yea but Tanks don’t hit back”

But the moment he truly made us wish to be him was in that first competition prize fight.

“First round First Punch”

One punch!!! It’s a film, so we can forgive the creative licence that a man who believed himself to be capable of fighting in an MMA tournament walked into the Octagon with Tom Hardy and got knocked out in the first second of the first round. But whilst that moment would be utterly soul destroying in a real bout the real blow was to the egos of men...everywhere who knew they would never ever be able to do that...EVER and a that a man who spent half the film crying for all the friendly fire killed soldiers in the middle east was still more of a man than you’d ever be.

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